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its been five months we're together in marriage life.

I am coming from broken heart family, live my life mostly with only few friends at school, Church and boarding house, stay in 3x3 meters room and move more than 17 times in life, that makes me not too attached or involved intensively with anyone.  

its been tough, I can say that. and last week, we gotta problem with Arisan. Hahaha!

My husband is a pure Javanese man who was born in Jakarta with modern life. But behind that scene, all their big family live in their Javanese style. I can not afford that.

One example, we need to go for family gathering named "Arisan" twice a month, one from mother side, another one from father side. They all soo big family. Main family consist of 4 siblings (and 4 in law) with 8 niece. Father has 2 brother and 6 sister and each has 3 or 4 daughter or son and each has children as well. From mother side, she has 12 sibling and each has 3 or 4 daughter and son with children also. 

in life, I join my family gathering only twice. First when my cousin married and second when my grand ma died. That was not Arisan at all. So in my marriage life, I gotta headache twice a month, setiap kali Arisan. So last month I choose not to join and work over time instead but, my husband allow me only once. No more. Haha. 

what happened with Arisan?
1st, come and shake your hand to everyone who arrived before you, then kiss their palm, the older only
2nd, greetings and tell them briefly what were you this day, this weekend
3rd, waiting till anyone asking you and answer their question wisely - wise, not every question must be answer but you cant smile only also
4. go, stay far from woman, or they may ask you more and more then gossiping haha
5. eat for lunch
6 give your money donation as Arisan money. 1 circle consist of how many family join, 21 in mother side and 17 in father side. once you get it, your family will be the host, need to cook, prepare, open house, etc. 

last week, I felt bad. 
Old people join in our car was annoying during the trip. Mad for the traffic jam (maybe they forget that this is Jakarta), giving direction where to go (they even can not drive, at all either car or motorbike), always count the money (for how much we gave to the parking attendants, how much our dinner cost for one big plate of fried rice) and always complain for something. Desk that not clean enough, seafood that is too small portion, expensive, crowded, etc. 

After 2 hours in traffic pick up someone, 3 hours waiting for someone, another 3 hours traffic jam, 3 hours of Arisan and another 2 hours traffic return home, I gotta big big headache handle that kind of situation. I am not used to. We were arguing, my husband also kind of disagree of few things but he said in the end, "welcome to my family" 

Hahaha, this is part of 'things' that I need to handle as his wife. Rrgh


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